Tuesday, May 31, 2011


sempena hari belia negara baru-baru ni i nak wish you all selamat menjadi belia yg berguna yer heheh
ok on 28 of may 2011, i went to the PICC, PUTRAJAYA...the journey so long and really made me so tired ma...penat lol cari jalan ke PICC dengan kereta macam kuda .... aduhai penat2...
kt PICC i attend Majlis Dialog Sekretariat Rukun Negara bersama Menteri... Yang Berbahagia, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, menteri di jabatan perdana menteri... Best jugak die ni banyak buat lawak hehehhe.... mase kt picc to i find someone n wait for him lol...xsampai2 pon xper la..cikgu bnyk kerja nk buat kan hahah... part yg pling best mkn r...sedap giler mkn..heheh mkn hotel sapa x nak kan wakaka..eh tpi i pegi bkn sbb nk mkn sedap tpi sebb i know i can get new input for me n for my organization.. da key word is kebijaksanaan....setiap belia harus bijak dalam segala tindak tanduk n urusan demi masa depan sendiri n untuk semua....ok then after finished da dialog, my group plan nk g la kt tempt HARI BELIA to ...aduhai memnatkan adala jem teruk ma..parking x de..few hours duk dlm perut tapak hari belia to ..suck lol! lastly decide g Alamanda je la hehehheh....time blik ak tidur je dlm kete letih giler cian wani sorry ye wani hehehhe

berada di samping orang yg sayang2 hihihihi

kegembiraan dan kesedihan selalu berjalan seiring dalam hidup kita...
dan merupakan salah satu ujian yg harus di tempuh oleh semua orang...kita berhak untuk mengecapi kegembiraan dan merasai kesedihan...
i admit dat, right now i am able to feel da happiness although in my heart i was cried never stopped because of you....
owh sadis btol....xpe la
entry kali ni just nk show my happiness hehehhe
recently memang nasib aku la kot ye
berada di samping orang2 tersayang ni hehhehhehe

thanx to my beloved auntie coz bought me a nice purse..PINK colour to yg xtahan to hehehheh
tq maksu, adik suka sangt tq my maksu sayang...ni la my auntie heheh

then i got few stuff from someone...owh man,so thanx..i love it hehehhehheh

you bought for me so many things..
thanx for the beautiful and soft pink BAJU KURUNG
thanx for the very nice smell SWEETHEART
thanx for the very black HANDBANG
thanx for the very pinky soft SHAWL
thanx lagi yer for my SYRIA tudung hehehhe
thanx also for the delicious and hot nandos!i lurve it
n reallY thanx for the SYMBOLLIC
n big thanx coz u treat me very well

heeeee...xsabar nk g SHAH ALAM...ade conference peringkt kebangsaan
so i can use all the things above at shah alam hahahha
mau cari cowok bru bleh nggak?

Monday, May 30, 2011

little confession n nak jugak ok..?

truly deeply madly in my heart
it's hard for me to forget you just like i throw my damn stuff
what i want is
i hope that you'll be okey without me because
mencintai seseorang tidak semestinye kita memliki dia...yang penting kebahagiaan n senyuman yg terukir di bibirnya dah cukup buat kita mencintai dirinya..
i hope that you can find another person can makes you happy understand you...
nak ubah topik la kejap hehhe
owh mom akak nk amik lesen kerata la
abah da bg greenlight...hehehhe
mak plak x kasi...
akak x kira la..b4 praktikal akak nk amik lesen penting ooo lesen nnt leh bwk mak pi jalan2 tau mak yer..so bg la plish2 untuk anakmu ni


blogging with fries me myself made! lalalala

just drop here for a while only to say
-a great hello to you-
this is my new belog
sudi2 la lawat yer..feel free drop ur comments or ur brilliant ideas!
keep in touch yeah....
today saye duk sorang2 jer kt umah my auntie..
ada sape2 nk teman x?hehehhe
tdi i masak fries with egg n margerine hahahhahha
at first i thought of course x sedap punyhe..merapu je ak masak mcm main masak-masak mase kecik2 dulu hehhe
but after all finished, i cicah dengn sos ...perghhh sedap la jugak kan hahha anyway congratz to me myself coz i could survive for today....
x lupe pde my friend yg bg semangt kt i do this new blog .... thanx yin..sayang kamu lebih la ehhehheh