Tuesday, May 31, 2011

berada di samping orang yg sayang2 hihihihi

kegembiraan dan kesedihan selalu berjalan seiring dalam hidup kita...
dan merupakan salah satu ujian yg harus di tempuh oleh semua orang...kita berhak untuk mengecapi kegembiraan dan merasai kesedihan...
i admit dat, right now i am able to feel da happiness although in my heart i was cried never stopped because of you....
owh sadis btol....xpe la
entry kali ni just nk show my happiness hehehhe
recently memang nasib aku la kot ye
berada di samping orang2 tersayang ni hehhehhehe

thanx to my beloved auntie coz bought me a nice purse..PINK colour to yg xtahan to hehehheh
tq maksu, adik suka sangt tq my maksu sayang...ni la my auntie heheh

then i got few stuff from someone...owh man,so thanx..i love it hehehhehheh

you bought for me so many things..
thanx for the beautiful and soft pink BAJU KURUNG
thanx for the very nice smell SWEETHEART
thanx for the very black HANDBANG
thanx for the very pinky soft SHAWL
thanx lagi yer for my SYRIA tudung hehehhe
thanx also for the delicious and hot nandos!i lurve it
n reallY thanx for the SYMBOLLIC
n big thanx coz u treat me very well

heeeee...xsabar nk g SHAH ALAM...ade conference peringkt kebangsaan
so i can use all the things above at shah alam hahahha
mau cari cowok bru bleh nggak?


  1. haih.smpt lg nk cri len.gedix ye.

  2. ala spare part weh untung kot nant hahha xde la lawak je....wakakaka
